會三甲 陳專祐 496711128
Chinese name:孤兒怨
English name: Orphan
Year of production: 2009
凱特(薇拉法米嘉 飾)因流產造成身心受創,而這場悲劇不僅影響她和丈夫約翰(彼特沙特 飾)的婚姻,她自己的精神狀態也因噩夢不斷和過去陰影纏身變得極不穩定。為了恢復正常生活,這對夫婦決定領養小孩。他們前往當地的孤兒院,兩人都莫名地被一個名為艾絲特(伊莎貝爾傅爾曼 飾)的小女孩吸引。 凱特和約翰開心地迎接艾絲特成為家中的一員,然而事隔不久,一連串怵目驚心的事件卻接連發生。凱特開始懷疑艾絲特是這些怪事的導火線,並認為這個貌似天使的小女孩其實不似表面上單純。為了保護她的家庭,凱特設法使約翰和其他人看清艾絲特的真面目,不過她的警告卻受到忽視,直到一切都太遲,而所有人都難逃劫數……。
The tragic loss of their unborn child has devastated Kate and John, taking a toll on both their marriage and Kate's fragile psyche as she is plagued by nightmares and haunted by demons from her past. Struggling to regain some semblance of normalcy in their lives, the couple decides to adopt another child. At the local orphanage, both John and Kate find themselves strangely drawn to a young girl named Esther. Almost as soon as they welcome Esther into their home, however, an alarming series of events begins to unfold, leading Kate to believe that there's something wrong with Esther--this seemingly angelic little girl is not what she appears to be. Concerned for the safety of her family, Kate tries to get John and others to see past Esther's sweet facade. But her warnings go unheeded until it may be too late-for everyone. Reasons of Recommendation:
Chinese name:生命最後ㄧ個月的花嫁
English name: April Bride
Year of production: 2009
擔任展場模特兒的千惠(榮倉奈奈 飾),在工作中結識了個性踏實的太郎(瑛太 飾),兩人對彼此都很有好感。當時才24歲的千惠剛得知自己患有乳癌,沒料到太郎也選在此時向她示愛。千惠正猶豫著是否該接受他的愛,然而太郎卻義無反顧的選擇與她一起勇敢對抗病魔,並且在千惠燦爛生命的最後一個月緊緊陪在她身邊,和她的父親、阿姨,以及一群姐妹淘好友們共度每個日子。時間無情地向前奔跑著,太郎深怕等不到最浪漫的六月時節,他決定提早完成千惠的夢想,就在2007年4月5日那天,為她舉行一場最浪漫、也最美麗的婚禮……。2007年4月5日,一對新人舉行了結婚典禮。兩人看來是如此幸福,但其實24歲的新娘千惠已是癌症末期,並被宣告僅剩下一個月的生命。
A young woman conceals her breast cancer diagnosis from her boyfriend. He eventually finds out and plans a wedding despite his girlfriend only having one month left to live. Reasons of Recommendation:
Chinese name: 冰原歷險記3:恐龍現身
Year of production: 2009
全球賣座的重量級動畫電影【冰原歷險記】裡所有的寶貝角色都回來了! 穩重冷靜、全身毛茸茸的長毛象蠻尼,聒噪熱心的樹懶喜德,練習吃素”學猴”的劍齒虎狄亞哥,還有”生命誠可貴---愛情價更高---若為橡實故--- --- ---兩者皆可拋!”的鼠奎特終於要走桃花運囉這批難兄難弟好不容易渡過冰原時期的凍凍危機,也化解了冰河融化時的危機,此刻的蠻尼跟伊麗一心只期待小長毛象的誕生! 狄亞哥卻開始懷疑自己到底有沒有資格成為一隻劍齒虎,因為他莫名得變溫柔了! 喜德則依然貪生怕死,但憑著”天上小鳥都會飛下來讓他烤”的本事,此時正開創人生的第二春,做起搶恐龍蛋的生意來了! 不過帶”賽”的喜德又要惹出一串如鞭炮般響遍冰原世界地面與地底的麻煩來! 這次,他們將在一個神秘的新世界裡,發揚光大”鬥嘴鼓”的搞笑功力,更要在恐龍現身的非常時期,辨清敵我,爭奇鬥豔的搶功搶畫面!
The sub zero heroes are back. Scrat is still trying to nab the ever elusive nut, while maybe finding true love. Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth. Diego the saber toothed tiger wonders if heâs growing too soft and Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur eggs. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into a mysterious underground world, where they have some close encounters with dinosaurs, battle flora and fauna, run amuck and meet a relentless, one eyed, dino-hunting weasel named Buck.
Reasons of Recommendation: