Avatar is a 2009 American science fiction epic film written and directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang. The film is set in the year 2154, when humans are engaged in mining reserves of a precious mineral called unobtanium on the lush moon Pandora of the Alpha Centauri star system. The colonists' expansion threatens the continued existence of the Na'vi, a race of humanoids indigenous to Pandora, as well as the moon's ecosystem. The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora.
片名《阿凡達》以音譯而言,AVATAR 唸 “阿凡達”,原意是“化身”,如果在電玩的世界裡,他就是虛擬世界裡的玩家代表,或是操作者分身的角色;而在這部電影裡,則是未來世界裡,引領人類進入潘朵拉星球的新人種,隨著阿凡達的腳步,我們進入了一個超越想像的新世界,前所未見的珍禽異獸和景象都在這裡一一立體呈現,整個觀影的體驗,就是一場憾動心弦的探險旅程!
This movie is popular in this year. Many people go to the movie theater just for seeing this movie. I saw this movie last year when it was just published. This is a very special movie, I think it is attractive. The pictures of this movie is very beautiful, I was impressed of it. The movie can also let us think about the ruin of our environment. If we do not treasure our earth, we may lead us to the end. After all, I like this movie because the screen is beautiful and it is also a good story.
魔戒 The Lord of the Rings
故事是從神秘的史前時代開始,一場正邪戰役所引發的長篇故事。這個拯救人類的危險任務落在佛羅多巴金身上,佛羅多巴金是個年輕的哈比族人,他從表哥那裏得到了一只的魔幻戒指。佛羅多發現這只戒指的製造者是黑暗世界的領導者索倫,索倫正急著要把戒指找回去。因為這只戒指是代表偉大邪惡勢力的魔戒,將使索倫統治下的人民得到解放,而他統治的這片土地就是俗稱的中土世界(Middle Earth)。 匆忙之下,佛羅多結合了一些救援力量包括了巫師、哈比族、矮人族及人類,一起協助他前往中土世界,將戒指丟入魔宮之洞的末日山脈中加以摧毀。然而,這群天兵將遭到索倫手下半獸人的攻擊。這些索倫的邪惡夥伴殘忍地追殺佛羅多和他的朋友。佛羅多等一群人還必須對抗戒指中的邪惡力量,這股力量會讓人產生難以抵擋的欲望,考驗著每一個接觸戒指者的意志力。托爾金的【魔戒三部曲】是二十世紀最具想像力的小說,托爾金這一系列善惡交戰的神秘故事已經在全球賣出超過五千萬本,也將以三部曲的形式改編成電影。本片是在紐西蘭拍攝,導演是一向以視覺見長的彼德傑克森。本片將可說是二十一世紀最重要的電影饗宴。
I like this movie .The Load Of The Rings is amazing. I have never seen a movie as wonderful as this before. The story was great and the actor in the movie act great, too. Most of people like that elf in the movie, but I prefer the king of human. I think he is charming, and he is a strong man that can make you feel safe when he is around. If you have not seen it before, I would like to commend you this movie. You can easily find this movie on TV now.
In the movie, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, a man and a woman met each other because of an incident, thus they became a couple, though they both lie about the real job they have. In fact, both of them are very famous deathly assassins. One day, they got the same mission, and saw the other on the spot. They found out the truth, finally. And because of the fear to be killed, the conclusion was to kill another first. It was not change until a day when they discovered the loves still exist between them. They decided to stay together with no matter how....... On the other hand, the competing organizations they had worked for heard the news and commanded all the other assassins to slay this couple. And of course, in the very end, they escaped successfully.
布萊德彼特和安潔莉娜裘莉兩大明星首度同台演出,戲外緋聞比起片中的對手戲安排不遑多讓,戲中扮演一對必須「諜對諜」的夫妻。 像大多數夫妻一樣,住在郊區的史密斯夫婦,生活安逸卻平淡。長久以來相互隱瞞身分的兩人,其實是當今最頂尖的殺手。某日他們接獲新任務,必須幹掉競爭公司的王牌,他們沒有料到,傳說中的殺手居然是自己的枕邊人。史密斯夫婦決定拿錢辦事,順便考驗一下伴侶的能耐…
This film is really great. The spectacle combines all the excitement, romance, and the action together. The main actors played by Brad Pitt John and Angelina Jolie. The casts are strong, and worth to watch. I watch this movie several times, and I still feel this movie is funny and humorous.