1 The Nanny Diaries: 會計三甲 496711116 潘昱廷
“The Nanny Diaries” tells the story of the emotional and often humorous journey of Annie Braddock (Johansson), a young woman from a working-class neighborhood in New Jersey, struggling to understand her place in the world. Fresh out of college, she gets tremendous pressure from her nurse mother to find a respectable position in the business world although Annie would prefer to trade in her blackberry for an anthropologist's field diary. Through a serendipitous meeting, Annie ends up in the elite and ritualistic culture of Manhattan's Upper East Side -- as remote from Annie's suburban New Jersey upbringing as life in an Amazon tribal village. Choosing to duck out of real life, Annie accepts the position as a nanny for a wealthy family, referred to as simply "the X's." She quickly learns that life is not very rosy on the other side of the tax bracket, as she must cater to the every whim of Mrs. X (Linney) and her precocious son Grayer, while attempting to avoid the formidable Mr. X (Giamatti). Life becomes even more complicated when Annie falls for a gorgeous neighbor of the X’s (Evans) who she nicknames Harvard Hottie, and is forced to explore what she wants to do with her life.
We always think that the wealthy family must live in the rosy and perfect life. But what I learn from this movie is that the perfect life isn’t up to how much money you have or how perfect place you live in, is up to that you enjoy your life or not . That’s why you have to be the person who you really enjoy and like to be.
中文 :
2 Finding Nemo
F Introduction:
Because the little clownfish-Nemo is taken away by human being, his father who is also a clownfish start the journey of finding his son. He learn a lot from journey: believing in other fish, taking courage to face what he afraid, and looking on the bright side. There is colorful and humorous in this movie.
I think Nemo’s father finally understand that he should let his son to face the truly world which is filled with danger and uncertainties and tell him what should be careful. Then he will learn to protect himself and take care well by himself, what is really good for him.
簡介: 故事描述在美麗的澳洲大堡礁海域中,活潑好動的小丑魚尼莫,不幸被專門收藏觀賞用魚的潛水人士捕捉,而被賣入雪梨一間牙科診所中,成為魚缸中眾多觀賞魚的一分子。尼莫開始必須面對一群陌生又怪異的新朋友,還得擔心如何能與父親老爹團聚;而另一方面,心急如焚的老爹決心要遠度重洋試圖找到尼莫,沿路上還遇見了熱心助人,卻只有短暫記憶的帝王魚雪花,牠們不怕危險並展開冒險旅程;而老爹是否能順利的營救尼莫,父子重新團圓呢?
3 The pursuit of happiness
Introduction: The movie, the Pursuit of Happiness, is about a struggling outside salesman who finds himself evicted from his apartment. Chris and Christophe’s are faced with challenges of little money and nowhere to go As each scene unfolds Chris and his son Christopher meet multiple challenges trying to make ends meet. On the brink of homelessness Chris and his son are left to fend for themselves in the streets and train stations of San Francisco, California. But as the scenes unfold Chris is taken one step to finding success as a stockbroker.
It is really touching
簡介: 本片根據真實故事改編,可以說是【永不妥協】的男生版。故事描述一個單親爸爸,因為事業失敗窮途潦倒到無家可歸,卻還得擔起撫養兒子的重擔。為了兒子的未來,他重新振作,處處向機會敲門,終於皇天不負苦心人,最後成為一個成功的投資專家。而過程中支持他咬緊牙關的最大動力,除了寶貝兒子外,就是他始終相信:只要今天夠努力,幸福明天就會來臨